our approach and capability

or 'doing business with us'

Many organisations are rightly cautious when considering working alongside an external provider of organisational change, culture change or leadership development. Partnership 'fit', appropriate 'pace' and 'boardroom credibility' are key in making these decisions and it is crucial that both parties feel that they can walk away from the relationship without having made an irrevocable investment.

Most emergentedge clients take between three and nine months to establish a relationship with us and we are quite happy to invest in this relationship with no contractual expectation. Historically we have delivered one of the following initial pieces of work at reduced client investment or even our own expense, after a period of familiarisation and scoping meetings:

Secondary research

Using existing organisational data, CSI, ESI, retention figures, etc. to make an assessment of the cultural map of the business. In essence, a review of what seems to work and what may need to be changed to facilitate an acceleration of performance.

Primary research

The creation of new data based on a combination of profiling techniques and/or interview based approaches to create an overview document for the senior management team or an individual sponsoring the worksteam, normally a HRD or CEO / COO. Our primary research tool is a bespoke profiling instrument called BASIS (Business Attitude and Styles Information System) that delivers individual and team based data concerning behaviours and attitudes that may be present within the culture.


We often get involved in working with a mid-management level team where we combine part of the primary research approach with a ½ day or full day session to explore some of the business issues that the group faces and to provide a spotlight on how the team may approach those matters differently – using a variety of work and data driven interventions.